The factory/plant can supply its customers directly
From the factory.
From the regional, local or national distribution center.
Represents only one manufacturer and one brand.
Wholesale Distributor
Manages limited inventory (less than 100 SKUs).
To satisfy local or regional demands and supply distributors and other businesses.
In most cases, you have limited access to all models. -It concentrates only on high-moving products.
Represents other brands.
The original manufacturer (OEM) can obtain its supply from the factory or the plant distribution center.
Special designs and specific models.
Manage limited inventory (<50 SKUs) to meet local or regional demands. In most cases, it supplies retailers, distributors, small shops and even the end consumer.
Less than 50 SKUs.
Represents other brands.
Retailers, Distributors, Stores
Manages inventory (less than 20 SKUs) to meet local demands and supply end consumers.
Less than 10 SKUs.
Represents other brands.
End of the supply chain.
They need after-sales services (technical and product information), warranty, training programs and problem resolution.